guile: I added the tag "Placement" to be used for this kind of Life ansd Death problem. Even if the term is quite generic and may apply to a lot of tesuji it reflects the process of thinking that the player must have. I believe the tag is usefull when the player must understand that in some case the order of moves is critical and that a Placement must be played before a Throw-in by example.
Drazelior: there might be a mistake here, if I did not misread.
I am white and I play to kill black.
I play W G18
B answer is E19
then I play W H17 and it is flagged as an error but I think it kills.
Indeed, if B answers G19, W F18 kills
and there is a miai : if B answers F18, W G19 kills as well.
Am I correct ?
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