Tsumego Hero
  • Sprint Intuition Rejuvenation Refinement
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    Let's see "correct" line. B2-C2-E2-E3-F3-D4-D5 (here "correct"). But next opponent play B1 and capture Hero's stones. Thus not only save some stones but kills Heroes also. Sgf in attachment. So overall current "correct" solution is totally wrong. It's worse than suggested earlier variation and even just E3 instead would be better, than actual "correct" result
    I see. I added your solution.
    20. July 2021
    Current "correct" answer leads to capturing three stones for exchange to corner stones with B1 move after sequence. But if we want to give up those stones it's better to play move like E3 from the starting position of problem and take sente. I think correct variation is B2-D2-E2-E3-C1-D4-D1
    I think its a bit worse. Opponent can save some stones.
    19. July 2021