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  • Sprint Intuition Rejuvenation Refinement
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    Something is wrong with this problem. No matter which variation I choose, I either get an incorrect solution or a message that says something about the situation, but it doesn't resolve in 'correct' state
    It was an issue caused after latest update by the second last move being marked as correct, resolved.
    25. November 2023
    Any explanation why those other moves are still not accepted: F16, F18?
    Revamped the whole solution tree and added comments, resolved.
    25. June 2023
    This is not necessarily correct, depends a lot on the rest of the board. I am not even sure it is often correct.
    According to Katago, at least F16, F18 and E16 (the accepted answer) are all possible moves (NW corner), preferred in that order (sic). Tenuki in an empty corner is roughly as good as F16 (the best local move). -- As for what I think, for instance in case of double hane, the F18 stone, which is left behind when the opponent (probably) has connected at D18, has still considerable aji, and therefore F18 too is clearly a valid move in many distributions, otherwise-empty board included. -- I suggest all those three aforementioned local moves be accepted here.
    8. July 2022